With a repetition rate of up to 10 Hz and an energy density up to 20J/cm2, SOPRANO ICE, thanks to the new SHR (Super Hair Removal) technique, provides quick, painless, comfortable and effective hair removal halving hair removal time thanks to the laser head diode at 810 nm, Spot Size 20 x 10 mm and speed up to 10 Hz.
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SOPRANO ICE is the first Hair Removal Platform with Solid-State ALEX. Solid-State ALEX (760 nm) technology relies on the Alexandrite wavelength, allowing even better energy absorption by the melanin chromophore. As a result, it is equally effective in all types of skin and hair even in very dark-skinned or tanned skins. Unlike other hair removal lasers SOPRANO ICE is the only method that can be done all year round, even in periods of strong sunshine.
The SOPRANO ICE at Dr. Zisis Boukouvalas Group center in Thessaloniki has been awarded as the best hair removal laser for two consecutive years (2012 & 2013)!
It has two methods of hair removal, In-Motion™ SHR technology and the conventional binary laser hair removal method with pulse-pulse, to be adjusted according to your needs. The Ice™ Cold Sapphire technology reduces the risk of burns and makes the treatment even more painless.
Alongside hair removal, the Soprano ICE system tightens the skin tissue using an infrared NIR head. This head uses Near Infrared technology. It is a safe infrared light that heats the tissue beneath the skin surface, tightening and improving its texture. The NIR head stimulates the fibroblasts and produces new collagen, reinforcing tightening and helping the skin against future aging. New collagen production in the skin helps to preserve healthy new skin and its texture.
Advantages of SOPRANO ICE hair removal include reduced feeling of pain, as its head has an integrated skin cooling device and can be set depending on the type of skin and so the session is quickly complete after that the laser beam is applied in movement rather than per pulse, with no adverse side effects.
The results of SOPRANO ICE have been clinically proven and approved by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Η Θεραπεία στην Αναγέννησή της! Στα ιατρεία Αναγέννηση. 20 χρόνια!
Με θεραπείες που συναντούν το κορυφαίο αποτέλεσμα και την μέγιστη διάρκεια Με την ιατρική εξειδίκευση διεθνών προδιαγραφών να αφομοιώνει επιστημονικά τη state of the art τεχνικές και τις πιο συγχρονες τεχνολογίες
Ο διακεκριμένος πλαστικός χειρουργός Dr. Ζήσης Μπουκουβάλας με την επιστημονική του ομάδα, πλαστικών χειρουργών, δερματολόγων και νοσηλευτών
επιχειρούν στην καινοτομία, σε ιατρικά πρωτόκολλα πλαστικής χειρουργικής και παράλληλα αναγεννητικης ιατρικής.
Μια διαλεκτική σχέση που υπηρετεί την σύγχρονη γυναίκα και άντρα με εφαρμογές στο προσωπο και το σώμα
Αναγέννηση. 20 χρόνια. Πίστης και μια μοναδικής Σχέσης με τους ανθρώπους που μας εμπιστεύονται
για τις κορυφαίες θεραπείες cutting edge Αναγεννητικής Ιατρικής που τους παρέχουμε.